Home \ Lecturers \ Dr. (Wilco) W van den Heuvel
Wilco van den Heuvel is an associate professor at the Econometric Institute of the Erasmus School of Economics. His main research interests are in deterministic production planning, in particular in extensions of the economic lot-sizing model. The focus of the research is on developing efficient algorithms. His work is published in journals like Operations Research, Omega, European Journal of Operational Research, Computers & Operations Research, and Operations Research Letters.
Erasmus School of Economics
Associate professor | Econometrics Institute of the Erasmus School of Economics

Wilco van den Heuvel is an associate professor at the Econometric Institute of the Erasmus School of Economics. His main research interests are in production planning, in particular in extensions of the economic lot-sizing model, where the focus of the research is on developing efficient algorithms. Next to this, he applies optimization techniques in other application fields such as collaborative transportation and certain statistical problems.